Password Reset Article
Password Reset
Two ways to change your password
Updated over a year ago
Forgotten Password
If you have forgotten your password, navigate to the login page and click the Forgot your password? prompt under CONTINUE.
Enter your email address and select CONTINUE to have a password reset link sent directly to your inbox. Click the link and follow the instructions to change your password.
Remember to follow the password specifications:
- Eight characters minimum
- One lowercase character
- One uppercase character
- One number
- At least one special character
Change Password While Logged In
If you know your password but would still like to change it, log in to your account. Click the Hi, [your name] drop down located in the upper right of the webpage. Select My Account.

Navigate to Account Settings, found in the left-bound navigation bar. From here, you can scroll down to Password and click the Edit button.
Type in your current password and the new one. Confirm the new password and select Save when finished.
Locked Out
If you cannot access your account, please make sure you have selected the correct login information. If the problem persists, try resetting your password. Click the Forgot your password? prompt under CONTINUE on the login page.

Enter your email address to have a reset link sent directly to your inbox. Click the link and follow the instructions.
Remember to follow the password specifications:
- Eight characters minimum
- One lowercase character
- One uppercase character
- One number
- At least one special character