Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of Ditto’s policies and practices regarding our use and disclosure of the information that you submit to us, and the information that we collect from you on our website and our mobile applications.

Whenever we use the words "we" or "us" or “Ditto,” we are referring to DittoPatterns LLC (doing business as Ditto). Whenever we use the words "our website," we are referring to and to our mobile application(s) (“app”).

This Privacy Policy is divided into the following sections:

  1. Definitions
  2. Consent
  3. How We Collect Personal Information
  4. How We Use Personal Information
  5. Our Disclosure of Your Personal Information
  6. Advertising
  7. Social Network Widgets; External Ad Blocking
  8. Mobile Applications
  9. How You Can Stop Receiving Email
  10. Information From Children Under 13
  11. Links to Other Websites
  12. Security
  13. Terms and Conditions of Use
  14. Questions about this Privacy Policy
  15. Reserved
  16. Revisions to the Privacy Policy

1. Definitions

"De-identified Information" means information that is no longer associated with you, or linked to your Personal Information (as defined below). De-identified Information does not reference the identities of individual persons.

"Cookies" are small pieces of information that a website, including our website, sends to your computer or to your mobile device while you are viewing a website. We use both session Cookies (which expire after you close your web browser) and persistent Cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personalized and interactive experience on our website. Persistent Cookies can be removed by following your Internet browser help file directions. If you choose to disable Cookies, some areas of our website may not work properly.

An "Internet protocol address" or "IP Address" is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer, tablet or other device when you use the Internet / world wide web. In some cases, your IP Address stays the same from browser session to browser session, but if you use a consumer internet service provider, your IP Address may vary from session to session. We track IP Addresses in conjunction with session Cookies to analyze our web page traffic flow and also to identify location of the computer.

"Personal Information" is information about you that is linked to you as an individual, such as your name, email address, social media identifier (e.g., @janedoe; sewist_janedoe), phone number, account user name and log-in password to our website. Personal Information does not include technical information such as unique device identifiers, randomly assigned unique identifiers in cookies, mobile device name or identifier, or IP addresses, unless that technical information is linked to you personally as an identifiable individual by associating the technical information with other Personal Information.

As detailed below, we and our business partners obtain and keep Personal Information when you send us an email, order or purchase on our website, subscribe or register to our website, or communicate with us in any way.

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2. Consent

Our website is maintained in the United States, and by submitting your Personal Information to us, either on our website, our app, or by other means, you agree to the collection and storage of your Personal Information in the United States.

When you submit Personal Information and De-identified Information to us, either on our website, our app, or by other avenues, it means that you have agreed to this Privacy Policy, and that you expressly consent to the use of your Personal Information in the United States, according to this Privacy Policy.

Please note that your Personal Information may be used by Ditto in the country where it was collected, as well as in the United States, where laws regarding the use of Personal Information may be less strict than the laws in your country.

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3. How We Collect Personal Information

The Personal Information that we gather from you helps us learn about our customers and our potential customers. We use this Personal Information to better tailor the features, performance and support of our products, services, and website, and to offer you additional information.

We (and our business partners, on our behalf) collect and keep Personal Information that you submit to us voluntarily to our website, through our mobile apps, through any other means, such as social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) or other social or sharing platforms or technology, now known or hereafter developed, and to our customer service center; and through other websites or emails, in the following ways:

  • Category: Account information; telephone number; email address; payment information
    • When you subscribe or register and set up an account on our website, we collect your first name, last name, password, email address and telephone number.
    • We also collect information on the products, patterns, and services that you purchase.
    • This information is collected from You and is used by Ditto to maintain your account on our website.
    • This information is disclosed to: your name, telephone number, purchase history, and email address is disclosed to our service provider that maintains our customer database.
    • Your email address is used to send marketing emails to you.
    • Payment information is collected from you by Ditto’s payment processor / payment gateway. This information is used by the payment processor / payment gateway to complete your payment, in accordance with its privacy policy.
    • When you contact us by email, we collect your name, email address, and any other information contained in the email that you send us.
    • This information is collected from You.
    • When you enter a sweepstakes, we collect your name, postal address, country, email address and any other information required to enter the sweepstakes.
    • This information is collected from You. Your email address is used to send marketing emails to you. The other information is used in the conduct of the sweepstakes.
    • This information is disclosed to: Your information is disclosed to the organization that provided the prize(s) for the sweepstakes.
    • When you call, email or chat with our customer service, we collect all or some of the following: name, email address, telephone number(s), and other information that you provide during the interaction.
    • This information is collected from You and is used by Ditto to process your customer service call.
  • Category: Geolocation data.
    • We collect information that you provide through the mobile app when you log in to your account. We also collect information regarding the type of mobile device, operating system version, IP address, geolocation, device name, and unique device identifiers.
    • This information is collected from your mobile device and may be used to send marketing materials to the device.
    • This information is disclosed to service providers who conduct marketing on our behalf.
  • Category: Technical Information (IP address, browser type, domain names, access times, operating system, and other device identification information).
    • On our website, we (and our service providers, on our behalf) collect Technical Information from you automatically, through the use of technology, without you taking steps to submit that information, whenever you use or visit our website for any purpose. We also use Cookies (described in Section 1), pixels, and navigational data like uniform resource locators (URL) to collect information regarding the date and time of your visit, the products for which you searched and viewed, and the other resources on our website that you used or visited. In addition, our website and emails from Ditto may contain code or pixels that cause cookies to be placed in, or read or modified from, a user's or email recipient's browser cache.
    • This information is collected from Your device (including a mobile telephone) and is used to send you personalized advertisements. See Section 6 for more information
    • This information is disclosed to service providers, including analytics companies, that conduct marketing and advertising services for us. The information also will be disclosed to the companies that own Ditto (Singer® and JOANN®). It may also be disclosed to an external advertisement blocking service that attempts to block advertisements and other “pop-ups” that are not authorized by us when visitors come to our website.
    • When you access our website from mobile devices (such as smart phones or tablets), we collect information including access times, the operating system, the device identification, the products for which you searched and viewed, and the other resources on our website that you used or visited.
    • This information is collected from You and is used to send you personalized advertisements. See Section 6 for more information.
    • This information is disclosed to service providers that conduct marketing on our behalf.
    • We may use and associate historical data with a computer or device as part of our efforts to prevent fraud, credit card fraud, or other illegal or illegitimate activity.
    • This information is collected from You and is used to prevent fraud, credit card fraud and other crimes.
    • This information is disclosed to payment processors / payment gateways, credit card issuers, law enforcement and other agencies as necessary to detect and prevent criminal acts and behavior.
  • Category: Social Network Widgets
    • Our website may include social network or other plug-ins and widgets that provide information to their associated social networks or parties about your interactions with our web pages that you visit, even if you do not click on or otherwise interact with the plug-in or widget.
    • This information is collected and transmitted from your browser and may include an identifier assigned by the social network or other party, information about your browser type, operating system, device type, IP address, and the URL of the web page where the plug-in or widget appears. This information is used to provide quick access to the social network.
    • This information is disclosed to the social network tool or social network site.

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4. How We Use Personal Information

We use your Personal Information to respond to requests that you make, to help us serve you better, to provide advertisements and marketing communications to you, and to provide you with a personalized website experience. If you have signed up to receive email from us, we also use your Personal Information to provide you with promotional emails for our products, and for other marketing and advertising purposes.

Personal Information that we collect from a particular browser or device, including a mobile device, may be used with another computer or device that we have linked to the original browser or device, including a mobile device, on which such Personal Information was collected.

We may create De-identified Information from Personal Information by excluding information (such as your name) that makes the information personally identifiable to you. We may use this De-identified Information to analyze request patterns and usage patterns so that we may improve our products and services. We also may use De-identified Information to improve our marketing efforts to potential customers. As this De-identified Information does not identify you, we use and disclose De-identified Information to other parties at our discretion.

If you provide feedback on any of our products and services, we may use your feedback for any purpose. We will collect any information contained in your communication and will treat the Personal Information in the communication in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information and other information and user-generated content that is submitted to our website, to Ditto through our mobile apps, or to Ditto through any other means, such as social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) or other social or sharing platforms or technology, now known or hereafter developed, may be used by Ditto in advertising or other marketing or promotional activities, without compensation to you.

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5. Our Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell, rent, or share your Personal Information. When you purchase a product or a service from our website, we will share Personal Information to the extent necessary to deliver the product or service to you. We also share your Personal Information with service providers in the United States that provide advertising and marketing services for us, including distribution of postal mail, electronic alerts, email, electronic (digital) advertisements to our customers and potential customers. These service providers are required not to use your Personal Information, except to provide the services requested by us. By using our website or services, You expressly consent to the sharing of your Personal Information with our service providers in the United States.

We reserve the right to share some or all of your Personal Information with the companies that own Ditto, our subsidiaries, joint ventures, and other companies in the United States under the common control of Ditto (collectively, "Affiliates"), for the purposes described in this policy. We will require our Affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy.

We may disclose your Personal Information if we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to (a) comply with laws or to respond to subpoenas or other judicial orders served on us, or (b) to protect and defend the rights or property of Ditto or other parties.

To provide offers that are of interest to you, we may allow other companies to place advertisements and other technology on our website. As a result of your visit to our website, advertisement server companies may collect information such as your domain type, your IP address, and clickstream information. See Section 6 for more information.

We may also use and disclose Personal Information for fraud detection and prevention. Personal Information and device identification information may be combined with information from other sources and used by us, or by a service provider retained by us, to help detect and prevent fraud or other illegal or illegitimate activity. All or part of your Personal Information or device identification information may be kept by us or kept by the service providers involved in fraud detection, and used in fraud prevention efforts. Information that is believed to be fraudulent may be disclosed to other retailers, banks, and law enforcement to help prevent illegal activity.

We may use and disclose Personal Information in connection with a contemplated reorganization or an actual reorganization of our business, in connection with financing, a sale or other transaction involving the disposal of all or part of our business or assets, including for the purpose of permitting the due diligence required to decide whether to proceed with a transaction. If the sale occurs, the purchaser will be entitled to use and disclose the Personal Information collected by us, and the purchaser will assume the rights and obligations regarding your Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal data, you can do so at any time. You can object to processing of your personal data, ask us to restrict processing of your personal data or request portability of your personal data. You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by clicking on the "unsubscribe" or "opt-out" link in the communications we send you. Please note, however, that it may not be possible to opt-out of certain service-related communications. You can let us know at any time if you do not wish to receive marketing messages by contacting us using the Contact Us form. Similarly, if we have collected and process your personal data with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal data conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. You can exercise any of these rights by submitting a request through our Contact Us form.

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6. Advertising

We use "interest-based" advertisements, also known as "online behavioral advertising." Online behavioral advertising is advertising that is directed to you based, at least in part, on your Internet browsing behavior. We share Personal Information with the data processors that conduct advertising campaigns for us. Data processors and their affiliates collect certain information as a result of their "tags" and other automated technology being on our website. The information that they collect includes the name (URL) of the web pages you view while on our site, your IP address, time of visit, information about your browser software, information about your device, and randomly-assigned identifiers that are stored in Cookies, which they use to target and serve advertising to you. We will use all this information to serve advertising to you.

In connection with online behavioral advertising, some service providers involved in advertising may maintain their own proprietary consumer databases that allow them to personally identify or track website visitors. Other parties have proprietary technologies to determine what additional devices you may use, and they may then display advertisements on those additional devices.

Do-Not-Track is a public-private initiative that has developed a “flag” or signal that an internet user may activate in the user’s browser software to notify websites that the user does not wish to be “tracked”. For more information, visit

You can make decisions about your privacy and the ads you receive. To some extent you can control whether companies serve you on-line behavioral advertising by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance website and using its opt-out: The DAA opt-out requires that cookies not be blocked in your browser. You may also visit the website of the Network Advertising Initiative and use its opt-out: Different companies may belong to one or more advertising organizations, and opting out from one or more groups may not stop all interest-based advertisements. As explained in Section 11, we do not represent or warrant that the actions taken on other websites will be effective or that all advertisements will be blocked.

For mobile devices and applications, you can visit the following website to opt-out of behavioral advertising: As explained in Section 11, we do not represent or warrant that the actions taken on other websites will be effective or that all advertisements will be blocked. See Section 8 for more information on mobile applications, geolocation tracking, and opt-outs.

Opt-outs are unique to each mobile device or web browser. An opt-out completed on a specific web browser will not transfer to other browsers or to your mobile device. An opt-out completed on your mobile device will not transfer to a different mobile device or to web browsers.

As an alternative to the DAA opt-out, you can also elect to block all Cookies from our website and Cookies from others (such as advertisers) by using the cookie blocking options built into your browser software. If you block Cookies, some parts of our website may not function correctly. We do not represent or warrant that these actions will be effective to accomplish their purpose.

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7. Social Network Widgets; External Ad Blocking

Our website may include social network or other plug-ins and widgets that may provide information to their associated social networks or other parties about your interactions with our web pages that you visit, even if you do not click on or otherwise interact with the plug-in or widget. Information is transmitted from your browser and may include an identifier assigned by the social network or other party, information about your browser type, operating system, device type, IP address, and the URL of the web page where the plug-in or widget appears. If you use social network tools or visit social networking sites, you should read their privacy disclosures, to learn what information they collect, use, and share. Pixels that are placed by Ditto, as described in Section 3, may also provide feedback to social networks.

Our website may include an external advertisement blocking service that attempts to block advertisements and other “pop-ups” that are not authorized by us when visitors come to our website. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you while visiting our website. We make no representation or warranty that the service will stop any or all unauthorized advertisements or pop-ups while visiting our website.

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8. Mobile Applications

We collect information you provide through the mobile app when you log in. We also collect information regarding the type of mobile device, operating system version, IP address, geolocation, device name, and unique device identifiers. See also Section 3 for additional information that we collect. If you do not want your geolocation information to be collected, you can go to “settings” or similar function of your mobile device and disable the location feature. In addition, you can visit the following website and opt-out of some geolocation tracking by the participating companies:

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9. How You Can Stop Receiving Email

When you receive promotional email, you will have the opportunity to remove yourself by following the "unsubscribe" instructions in the email you receive, or by contacting us directly. If you have submitted your email address to “unsubscribe,” please note that you may continue to receive emails for a time while our system updates your request. You also may use the “Contact Us” page on our website to contact Customer Service.

On our website, you may change any of the Personal Information in your account by editing your My Account information.

Contact: 888-844-5582


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10. Information from Children Under 13

On our website, we do not intentionally gather Personal Information about visitors to our website who are under the age of 13.

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11. Links to Other Websites

Our website may provide link(s) to another website(s) or Internet location(s), including the link to Ditto’s payment processor / payment gateway (Recurly). We provide these links for your convenience, and we do not endorse the other website or location, its contents, or any goods or services available through that website. We have no control over, do not review, and are not responsible for these other websites, their content, or any goods or services available through the websites. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to these other websites. The privacy policies of the operators of the websites will be applicable when you access their websites through the links provided on our website.

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12. Security

Our website has implemented electronic means to protect your Personal Information. Even though we have taken steps to keep your Personal Information confidential, we cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with Personal Information.

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13. Terms and Conditions of Use

Your use of, and visit to, our website is governed by our Terms and Conditions of Use, which also can be found at

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14. Questions About this Privacy Policy

If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the email address below, and place “Ditto” in the subject line or other part of the email:


Email to:

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15. Reserved

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16. Revisions to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to revision and changes. If you object to any changes, you must stop doing business with us, including business on our website. Your continued use of our website, or your continued business with us, will indicate your acknowledgment of the changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy, as revised.

This policy was created in January 2023.

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